Enjoy a projected annualized payout of 5% to 6%
with FPA Payout Portfolio

MAS License No: FA 000018

Stable quarterly payouts

Asset diversification across global high yield bonds (US, Europe, Asia) and Asia Pacific equities

Invested in hedged share classes to minimize exchange rate volatility risk

Set up your portfolio now

Frequently Asked Questions

Through its underlying funds, the FPA Payout Portfolio invests in a diverse pool of asset classes including global high yield bonds (US, Europe and Asia) and Asia Pacific equities.

The FPA Payout Portfolio is invested in underlying funds which have historically provided stable monthly or quarterly payouts. Accordingly, the historical payout of the FPA Payout Portfolio has also been relatively stable. Nonetheless, distributions are at the discretion of the individual underlying funds, their trustees or management companies, and there is no guarantee that any distribution will be made. Further, the frequency and /or amount of the distributions made could also vary.

The FPA Payout Portfolio aims to provide a payout through investing in assets like high yield bonds and equities. Naturally, the risks involved would generally be higher than that of more conservative asset classes like government bonds. For instance, high yield bonds tend to experience higher default rates and greater volatility. The asset class is also susceptible to interest rate risks, which could be influenced by developments in the global economic environment and financial markets. Likewise, the performance of equities would be closely tied to the global economic backdrop, and can also be influenced by other factors such as investor sentiment, policy changes and geopolitical risks, to name a few.

To manage these risks, our investment team is committed to conducting regular reviews of the performance of the underlying funds, as well as new developments in the global economy and financial markets which could have an impact on these funds. Where appropriate, the underlying funds and/or their respective weighting allocations could be adjusted with the aim to meet the objectives of the FPA Payout Portfolio.

Investment involves risk. Past performance and the predictions, projections, or forecasts on the economy, securities markets or the economic trends of the markets are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the FPA Payout Portfolio. Distributions are at the discretion of the underlying funds of the FPA Payout Portfolio, their trustees or management companies and there is no guarantee that any distribution will be made, and if distributions are made, such distributions are not in any way a forecast, indication or projection of the future or likely performance/distribution of these funds. The underlying funds, their trustees or management companies may also vary the frequency and /or amount of the distributions made. Information herein is believed to be reliable at time of publication. Data from third party sources may have been used in the preparation of this material and FPA Financial Corporation Pte Ltd (“FPA”) has not independently verified, validated or audited such data. Where lawfully permitted, FPA does not warrant its completeness or accuracy and is not responsible for error of facts or opinion nor shall be liable for damages arising out of any person’s reliance upon this information. Any opinion or estimate contained in this document may subject to change without notice.